Quiet late we drive out of Antalya. It’s always better to start looking for a sleeping place before it gets dark. Unfortunately for us it’s already dark at 8 o’clock. We have lingered a bit in the shopping malls. Not because we love to shop that much, but just because we are the biggest air-conditioning fans ever! LOL Never ever have I enjoyed doing grocery shopping so much. As we need to buy fresh food everyday because of the heat, entering one of the supermarkets has definitely become one of the highlights of my day. That cool breeze that gives me goose bumps… haaaaa it is truly paradise on earth!
Anyway, so off we go. It’s quite difficult to spot a good sleeping place in the dark and especially near cities. But it is Kosta’s speciality, so I never worry. We end up close to a construction supplier where the big trucks pick up sand and gravel. Not the most romantic place but quiet and peaceful. Yes people, we sleep everywhere!
Next day we are ready to take The Cruiser up on the mountains. We’re really looking forward to having cooler weather as we’ve been boiling hot so far during the day. So we cruise up and down the hills, and up and down the hills, and up and… when suddenly I hear a change in the noise of the engine. Kosta wakes up at that same moment and tells me to pull over. The engine is overheated and our baby has thrown up. There is motor oil all over the engine and Kosta is close to tears. (but really, he was LOL) So there we are in the mountains, with a 2 ton car and far away from the German breakdown service. We push the car (and trust me, I write this way easier now than we actually managed to move that monster!) to a place were it stands straight so we can check the oil level better. After letting the engine cool down we decide the best option is to take the risk and drive back to Antalya. It seems the oil is not leaking anymore and driving further up on the mountains might not be the best idea. So we drive 200 km back at the pace grandfathers would drive their car. We have time anyway, it’s Sunday. Finally we arrive back where we started and the rest of the day is spend at the beach… Well, the day could have been worse.
The Toyota garage in Antalya can set our minds at ease on hour after handing them over the cars of The Cruiser: they just have to change the oil filter. Two hours of waiting in air-conditioning with cookies, water, internet and a Playstation 3 (!) at our disposal, again, the day could have been worse LOL. And so, once more, we leave towards the mountains…
" driving on a bumpy road"? It might have bumped into your boobs?? LOL LOL