You always have to concentrate when you drive of course, but we all know that the more you are behind the wheel, the easier it gets, the more you are relaxed and the less energy driving asks of you… and then you arrive in Ethiopia.This is not an easy country to drive in. You can’t imagine how many people are walking on the street, how many cows and goats are crossing and how many donkeys transport whatever to wherever on the same tarmac (if existing LOL) you drive on. So just to give you an idea about the stress driving in this country brings along, take a short ride in the head of a (female) driver:
Cows on the street, lets slow down.
Passed cows.
Hundreds of people, driving as slow as walking.
Passed people.
Driving faster and faster again.
Watch out, goats lingering in the middle of the road.
Passed goats.
Children playing.
Many, many, many children playing. Do they have stones?
Slowing down.
Picking up speed again. Is one of them hanging on the car? Nope… ok, faster again. Aaah nice, driving fast again.
Goats 500 meters again on the grass… staying on the grass…. still on the grass…. Maybe slow down a bit as you never know….
Goat 25 meters ahead deciding to cross the street for whatever reason.
Hit the breaks, hit the breaks!
Car stopped. Goat alive. Minor heart attack.
Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa OMG ik zie het zooooo voor me!!!