3. Here we go (again)

Four days later The Cruiser has a new generator and we have a new take off day! The sun is shining, Shakira is once again telling us it is time. Maybe we even make it further than an hours drive. LOL

Our first stop is Salzburg, a gorgeous town in Austria. We aren´t planning on stopping too many times before we arrive in Turkey, but Salzburg is definitely worth a stopover. Our first night is not spend in a hostel, but somewhere on our way to Vienna, at a lake. As we sleep in the car, we can just go with the flow and stop wherever we feel like sleeping. I have always travelled from hostel to hostel, so this is totally new for me. We transform our car to bedroom in about 5 minutes. Before we know it we are under our new duvet, sleeping in the coolest of bedrooms wıth the biggest of bathrooms attached: nature!

Vienna is also a nice town to spend a couple of lazy hours walking around, and just enjoying the fact that all luxurious products are still available. We were planning on staying on a campground here, but the price has made us change our mind quite quickly. 28 euro´s for The Cruiser and ourselves…. Hmm, maybe not. So we just start our day in Vienna. It is nice and hot here. And what do people long for when they have been boiling hot? Yes indeed, a shower! We do have a solar shower but a real shower is even better, a shower like on a campground for example ;). So we enter the campground cool, calm and collected as we are, go straight to the showers and afterward straight back to The Cruiser waiting outside the gate. Time to find a place to put our heads down for tonight ;).

And after the whole two days of travelling, we now really can say the trip has begun! :)

1 comment:

  1. Beam me up Scotty moet je gedacht hebben bij die ene foto...in de hoop dat je sneller in Waka Waka Africa bent ;o)
